Is Pet Insurance Worth the Expense?
Yes. No. Maybe. It often depends what owner you talk to. By Geoff Williams
If you're going to buy pet insurance, you may want to think through a few things first.
1. Pet health care is expensive, even with insurance. If you're thinking of pet insurance as a way to make all of those health care costs go away, you'll probably be sorely disappointed. But pet insurance can mitigate the financial damage.
The way Neely Raffellini, a Williston, Vermont, resident who runs a professional résumé writing service, thinks about pet insurance seems to be a good, realistic way to approach it. "I look at it as paying a little at a time or a lot all at once," she says.
She has a 4-year-old boxer and Boston terrier mix named Leo. She also had a 12-year-old boxer named Colt, who passed away in 2012. Leo is covered by pet insurance, and so was Colt. She says she currently pays $46.45 per month, which can be adjusted with a higher deductible (hers is $50).
So every year, Raffellini is spending $557 on pet insurance. Throughout Leo's first four years of life, that has equated to more than $2,000 in insurance. Anyone could argue this sum could have been better spent elsewhere. Except that earlier this year, Leo was injured by another dog at his day care and had to have surgery. The insurer still seems to be ahead so far, in this case. The bill was $623.44, and Raffellini received a check from the insurer for $467.54.
But in Colt's case, insurance definitely protected Raffellini from sticker shock. Colt, who had a brain tumor, was able to get an MRI, which cost $3,508.02, and the insurance paid $3,134.45. Of course, being an older dog, Raffellini says that Colt's insurance was far higher than Leo's. "But, again, it's a little at a time or a lot at once," she says.
2. Pre-existing and chronic conditions may not be covered. The reason Graham and her roommate hated their pet insurance was because the insurer always seemed to find a loophole as an excuse to not cover costs.
In August 2012, when Graham and her roommate took their cat to be examined, the vet looked at their pet's ear and jotted down some notes, including a potential diagnosis, writing: "mild mucopurulent discharge left ear (polyp)?"
In September of 2013, the vet removed what was a polyp, and their insurer pulled up the August 2012 medical statement and pointed to that as a reason to call it a pre-existing condition."It was nothing more than the vet writing down thoughts or a potential diagnosis … Nevertheless, they concluded the condition was chronic and ongoing and thus, pre-existing," Graham says.
Barb Voller, a retired administrative assistant in Orlando, is also not a fan of pet insurance for similar reasons. Four years ago, she bought insurance for her two German Shepherds, both rescues from a shelter in Illinois, where she used to live. She was charged $12 per dog.
"Premiums did go up every year, as did my deductible. I was willing to pay that though, as I am a firm believer in insurance," Voller says. "When I added my daughter’s dog, a Shiba Inu, I was paying about $56 a month for the three dogs."
But then one of Voller's dogs came down with pannus, an eye condition that eventually leads to blindness. Fortunately, there is medication that can control the condition. Unfortunately, it's expensive.
Voller's insurance paid for the $50 a month medication, but after that, the insurer informed her that it only pays for chronic conditions during the first year.
"So when my dog got an illness, they quit covering it," Voller says. "I thought getting insurance was to cover just such issues. I guess I was wrong."Disillusioned, several months ago, she canceled insurance for all three dogs, which by now was running her $66.72 a month.